Success Stories of the Artists

Tushar Maithani

I always knew that I wanted to pursue music in some capacity and this desire drew me to Mumbai, where I took up a job with Teach For India. Here, I came across performance photos of a friend and ex-colleague, Neeraj Arya, who was then an NSPA artist..


Dhammrakshit Randive

His soft-spoken demeanor belies no hint of the rousing performances he is capable of delivering. With his trademark calm, he waits for us to commence the interview. We have a long list of questions prepared, some biographical and some seeking to extract personal opinions.


Mohammed Khan

Although a lover of music and the stage, he never really thought about pursuing a career as a performer. After finishing college, he took up a job in the retail market to support his family and continued to work there for three years. However, life has a strange way of altering our paths..


QTube Cafe

Some Stats About NSPA

Our Goal

The prime motive of the NSPA Foundation is to make art easily accessible to all. The organization achieves this by promoting the culture of street performances, or ‘busking’, in the city. Busking creates a direct, inexpensive interface between people and artists and this helps cultivate an appreciation for the arts. The organization also helps support the livelihoods of independent artists by paying them a performance fee for each performance.

Our Sponsor

Quantum AMC is known for its radical thinking and foresight in the country’s financial sector. The company is also a keen supporter of the arts and has always set aside a portion of its earnings to sponsor the NSPA Foundation’s activities. Today, Quantum AMC is not just a source of funds for NSPA but a great source of encouragement as well.

Our Story

NSPA was first conceived when 'Ajit Dayal' Our Founder found no buyers for his idea of taking Art to the Streets. Two young music aficionados joined hands temporarily with Ajit and first pitched the idea to the Western Railways, Mumbai. Contrary to popular perception, the Railways were most enthusiastic and suggested a pilot run to test the idea.

What We Do ?

Street Performance
Art Literacy
Community Art
Stage Performances
Artists Trainings

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Art for All

NSPA hope to contribute towards a larger Art consciousness in society, fostering a greater societal ownership and educated appreciation of our Arts heritage and diversity and the larger Artist community. In line with this idea is NSPA’s Art Literacy Mission

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A Little About NSPA

The organisation was founded in the October of 2012 in Mumbai, and we enjoyed our debut performance at Churchgate Station with folk street musicians, who received the astonishment and accolades of the commuters and pedestrians! We now perform at over a dozen public venues in Mumbai - including the Carter Road Amphi theatre, Mumbai Metro stations, and several parks and organic farmers' markets - for more than 50 hours a week!

The Natural Streets for Performing Arts (NSPA Foundation)
is a non-profit initiative dedicated to bringing the culture of street performances to India, and supporting the livelihoods of independent artists - and helping the common man rediscover public spaces and "stuff their eyes with wonder".


Our Artists

Saurabh Sharma
(Panjabi Folk)
View Profile
Folk Masti
(Folk Fusion)
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Suresh Kala
(Uttarakhandi Folk)
View Profile
Ram Trio
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Achchhai Pandey
(Uttarbartiya Folk)
View Profile
(Street Play)
View Profile

What Our Fantastic Audience Say

“An initiative that our city needed ! Learned many varieties of genres through this."

“Its a brilliant initiative! :) Will share and spread the word : :)"

“listened to some great bhajans at borivali station PF no. 1"

“It's peace away from chaos, should have put it out on the railway speakers. Amazing !!!"

“Good job, not seen this in Mumbai before. Keep it up. Very happy."

“Love it !! Great finding some fresh music in the city. Maybe have it in a more open spot in the station so even more people can enjoy it "


Contact Information

Natural Streets for Performing Arts Foundation(NSPA Foundation)
16, Jolly Maker Chamber No 2,
225, Nariman Point, Mumbai,
Maharashtra 400 021.
Phone (Off.) : +91 022 2204 1250

Jessica Noronha: +91 9619152275

Twitter: /NSPAStreets
Facebook: /NSPA.Streets
Instagram: /NSPAStreets

NSPA Newsletter

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Copyright (c) 2014 Natural Streets for Performing Arts.